America’s Best Chiropractors
As a chiropractor, I’ve been proud that I get to help people improve their lives every day. It’s something that chiropractors are trained to do. And we do it without the invasive treatments you come to expect with severe pain. No surgery, no long term painkiller regimens - we want you better using your body’s own innate power. That being said, there are certain qualities that separate a good chiropractor from an average one, and it’s important to note the differences so you can get the best care.
At Living Well Medical in NYC, we consider ourselves trailblazers, people who are making the lives of others better through hard work, innovation and adaptation in our practice. We also like to let the world know when we meet our kindred spirits in other states and cities. Keeping up with the latest in technology, applying multidisciplinary techniques for better treatment outcomes, and encouraging patient care through non-invasive methods as the primary goal is what makes us so successful, and we’ve met several other doctors and clinics around the country that share our dedication.
Here are some of the chiropractors from around the country that Living Well Medical endorses:
Dr. Eben Davis, San Francisco Chiropractor
Dr. Nona Djavid, Newport Beach Chiropractor
Dr. Ron Spallone, Denver Chiropractor
Dr. Bruce Bell, Chula Vista Chiropractor
Dr. Cathy Hunter, Simi Valley Chiropractor
Dr. Andrea Mills, Lancaster, CA Chiropractor
Dr. Matthew Rivera, San Carlos, CA Chiropractor
Dr. David Livingston, Delray Beach, FL Chiropractor
Dr. Adam Jacobs, Best San Francisco Chiropractor
Dr. Scott Waddell, Laguna Niguel Chiropractor
I am also proud to help patients get true health, without the dangers and side effects of drugs and invasive procedures. I'm honored to be affiliated with you, and am proud to share the information you so freely provide.
Thanks for all you do. This world needs it!
~Dr. M
Dr. Bruce Bell, D.C.
Dr. Ron Spallone, DC