DRX9000 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression: Treatment of Herniated Disc in Manhattan, New York, NYC

DRX9000 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression: Treatment of Herniated Disc in Manhattan, New York, NYC
DRX 9000 in Manhattan, NYC
Stop The Pain Before It Stops You!!
With the DRX 9000 technology, you can receive treatment of herniated and degenerative discs without surgery! If you are like many who suffer from chronic neck and back pain, you have probably tried several prescribed remedies to help ease your discomfort: frequent bed rest, high doses of pain medication. Perhaps even non-traditional approaches such as acupuncture. And like so many, you have come to accept the fact that you just have to learn to live with your pain.
You Don't Have To Live With That Pain Anymore!
Thanks to the concerted efforts of a team of top physicians and medical engineers, a major advancement in medical technology was made to effectively treat low back pain resulting from herniated or deteriorating discs. The result of their efforts not only significantly reduces back pain in 92-96% of patients, but enables the majority of patients to return to more active lifestyles.
The decompression can help if you have herniated and bulging lumbar discs with or without complication, degenerative disc disease, a relapse or failure following surgery or facet syndromes.
This new treatment uses state-of-the-art technology to gradually relieve neurocompression often associated with lumbar, lower back pain. The process has been proven to relieve pain by enlarging disc space, reducing herniation, strengthening outer ligaments to help move herniated areas back into place and reversing high intradiscal pressures through application of negative pressure.
For Lumbar Decompression
An upper chest harness / shoulder support and a pelvic harness are used to help distribute the applied forces evenly. Once in place, you are slowly reclined to a horizontal position. Following the physician's orders, the therapist localizes the pain, makes any adjustments and directs the treatment to the proper area. The pull of decompression helps to mobilize the troubled disc segment without inducing further damage to the spine. Following each therapy session a cold pack and/or electrical muscle stimulation pad is applied to help the paravertebral muscles consolidate and strengthen after treatment. This also prevents muscles from swelling and going into spasm.