CDC: No vaccine prevents the new swine flu- Oscilococcinum works

Several patients today have been asking me my opinion on the "flu pandemic"
I have always been a huge fan of homeopathy, Oscillococcinum is something I have used for my family and the product is a top seller in my Manhattan practice.
Visit us online they also sell it at Whole foods the product is made by a Company called Borion visit them at Name: Oscillococcinum
Common Misspellings: Osciloccocinum, Oscilococinum, Oscillacoccinum, Oscillacocinum, Ocillococcinum, Oscillicoccinum, Oscillicocinum.
Oscilococcinum description:
Oscilococcinum is the No.1 homeopathic remedy in The United States. Oscillococcinum is widely used for the relief of the symptoms and prevention of the onset of Influenza.
Several placebo controlled blind studies on Oscilococcinum show that Oscilococcinum was considerably more effective in controlling the symptoms of chills, aches, pains, stiffness and fevers.
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