New York Chiropractor, DRX 9000 Manhattan

Call (212) 645-8151 for Spinal decompression treatment in Manhattan.
I just received another patient testimonial and wanted to post it below: or visit my website
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About five months ago I was taking 3-4 advil or aleave, 3 times per day. I had neuropathy down through my leg that gave me drop foot. I couldn't workout or even get a good nights rest if I wasn't on some kind of anti inflammatories. "I was in prettyserious trouble for a personal trainer". I had been in a car accident about a year ago and was diagnosed with L5 S1 centrally herniated disc. Iinitially went to physical therapy and chiropractic care which did nothing for me. As time went on mypain worsened. About a year later, I found myself in an orthopedic clinic in hopes of resolving my back pain. I was going "full steam ahead" on a protocol which started with the strongest anti-inflammatory going on toepidural injections and leading to surgery if these options failed. The first part of this protocol put me in the hospital for ten days with a staff infection, "scary"... The hospital told me that the anti-inflammatories I had been taking were responsible for decreasing my immune system which lead to megetting the staff infection. After this incident I gave the orthopedic protocol a rest.About a month later I was doing some research on the Internet and came across the DRX9000. In having a background in physical therapy, this DRX9000 madelogical sense though, I was still skeptical about thewhole thing. Even after meeting with Dr. Shoshany and going over the therapy and treatment, I was still a little skeptical. I decided to give 20 sessions a shot. After the firstsession I felt some immediate relief. Dr. Shoshany explain end to me that the treatments affect everyone differently. At about half way through my treatments I was totally off all of the pain medication I was taking. I was getting better rest and waking upbecause my alarm clock was ringing, not because of my back being in pain. I was able to put my socks and shoes on without a painful struggle. I was truly amazed by these results. At the end of my treatments I was pain free. Beingconcerned about re-injuring myself I kept up with my core strengthening, biking and stretching. Soon after treatment I was working with weights, circuit training at about 65% of my max intensity. I felt great, as if I could work harder but, I wanted to be smart aboutnot re-injuring myself. I worked out like this for about 2 months , modifying my training to working not only hard, but smart. There were some exercises I excluded from my workouts. Now I'm about three months out and I'm doing everything I want to do and more. I'm weight training as intense as I want to. I work out with the kettle bells. I run timed miles, I'm biking, and even boxing. I actually just started to add somekickboxing to my routine.If anyone has any questions about my experience with Dr.Shoshanny and the DRX9000 treatments, please feelfree to contact me at Crunch Fitness Christopher St.Greenwich St. location (212)366-3725 Thank you,Robert Sand,A.K.A. Butch
call (212) 645-8151 for Spinal Decompression treatment in Manhattan. or visit