New Cochrane Study shows that Chiropractic Care is just as effective as "Traditional" Treatments

The traditional approach to easing the symptoms of chronic back pain usually consists of prescribing medication, sometimes physical therapy and addressing and correcting physiological issues. This can be invasive, time consuming and can have a negative effect on lifestyle, not to mention the side effects associated with pain medication.
A new Cochrane research study shows that when it comes to chronic lower back pain, Chiropractic manipulation is as effective as traditional medical care. Imagine not having to take drugs while waiting for pain to subside. When combined with physical therapy, massage, and behavior modification, the need for invasive, time consuming treatment is quickly giving way to a long standing method, practiced the world over. A study based statistic shows that Chiropractic manipulation is the overwhelming favorite alternative to drugs and surgery, and other invasive methods.
A in a study published in May to June issue of the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, the study had evaluated all promising alternative treatments for back pain. Chiropractor care was favored at 74% ... (allvoices)
Back pain is the second leading cause of ambulatory care, and absence from work. Some people suffering from chronic pain may even purposely avoid seeking medical care, because it may involve lifestyle altering treatment, and affect work, as well as athletic performance, along with your hobbies and recreational pursuits. Ignoring pain and hoping that it subsides on is not the way to go about it. People should instead, invest some time and effort in to finding ways to treat pain that fit their lifestyle and make lifestyle changes to help reduce the chances of developing chronic pain and injuries.
While Chiropractic manipulation without heavy reliance on drug treatment, along with other proven, effective treatment methods like Physical Therapy is shown to be as effective as traditional treatment, the big difference however that may set the two options apart is the non invasive, non surgical approach to treatment, which can lead to minimal interference with a patent's quality of life as well as mental well being.
as far as the treatment goes does it cause any damage despite the L5-s1 herniation relief.