Herniated disc with myleopathy responds to DRX 9000 spinal decompression protocol

DRX 9000 NYC?
Herniated disc with myleopathy responds to DRX 9000 spinal decompression protocol.
Several months ago I had a new patient consult, he was complaining of lower back pain and loss of control of his right foot. He had difficulty in planting his foot and suffered from "foot drop".
Foot drop happens when the nerves supplying the muscles of the front of the leg have some pressure place upon them, In most cases it is a nerve root around L5-S1.
The patient had consulted with 2 orthopedic surgeons here in New York City (NYC). He was told he needed a laminectomy. He had tried Physical therapy for months with no improvement, traditional Chiropractic care gave him little comfort.
He did not want a invasive surgery.
In reviewing his medical records his MRI revealed a Disc bulge with superior migrating disc extrusion at L4-L5 without canal stenosis or foraminal narrowing and a Disc bulge with endplate osteophyte asymmetric to the right at L5-S1 causing mild foraminal narrowing. Slightly inferiorly migrating central disc extrusion noted without canal stenosis.
His Nerve conduction velocity and EMG test revealed a severe right L5 radiculopathy involving the anterior ramus division.
We concluded that he would be a good candidate for Non-surgical spinal decompression.
His treatment consisted of Spinal decompression on the DRX 9000, Core stabilization on the SpineForce, Cold laser therapy and Cox flexion distraction.
After 20 sessions in a 6 week period his back pain decreased and his foot drop has improved dramatically.
We conducted a followup NCV and EMG and found that the neuropathy has greatly improved. A post MRI to measure the degree that the disc herniation has been reduced and to measure the increase in the disc height has been ordered and will be updated shortly.
This is a difficult case and will require additional therapy to strengthen stabilizing musculature.
I am glad when I can prevent a patient from a invasive back surgery.
Back surgery should be a last resort when all other non-invasive methods have failed.
To learn more about spinal decompression in Manhattan NYC visit www.livingwellnewyork.com or my personal website