Spinal Decompression combined with Acupuncture in Manhattatn

Acupuncture was been around for thousands of years and is a treatment that has proved successful for everything from back pain to helping women conceive.
Several months ago one of my patients told me about his Acupuncturists.
I invited him into my practice,and he slowly started to treat patients.
I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed with the results I have seen on both myself and difficult patients.
First for myself ,I have been getting acupuncture and I have noticed that I feel more balanced and less stressed.
Several of my patients that have tried EVERYTHING from Chiropractic,physical therapy etc. starting seeing the acupuncturist and I have seen a improvement in their outcomes.
I recently have combined spinal decompression with acupuncture and have seen some amazing outcomes.
Acupuncture can complement a Back pain treatment protocol.
If you interest in seeing a Acupuncturist in NYC visit our website at www.drshoshany.com
Dr. Zho Zhoung is a Licensed Acupuncturist and is a seventh generation Acupuncturist.
I honestly think he is the Best Acupuncturist in NYC.