Sciatica NYC

Sciatica treatment NYC
The word sciatica actually means “leg pain”. Patients with back pain often develop leg pain since the sciatica nerve can get irritated sending pain down the course of the nerve as it travels through the leg to the foot. For example, a herniated disc that presses on one of the nerve roots of the sciatic nerve, which then continues from the lower back down the back of the leg, may cause pain and numbness in the leg, leading to condition called sciatica. Sciatica is one of the most common symptoms of a herniated disc in the lower back.
To effectively treat Sciatica the disc needs to be addressed, I focus on Non-surgical spinal decompression using the DRX 9000 in conjunction with Physical therapy on the LPG SpineForce and if necessary patients see the MD for pain relief and anti inflammatory medication.
What is the DRX 9000 and how does it work?
The DRX9000 True Non-surgical Spinal Decompression System™ was developed to provide a non-invasive option for discogenic low back pain. Researchers of a case report published in Volume 2 Issue 1 of the European Musculoskeletal Review state, “Evidence-based data that show the promising effects of DRX9000 on the safe and effective treatment of LBP [low back pain] continue to accumulate.” The report titled, “Management of Low-Back Pain with a Non-surgical Decompression System (DRX9000™) – Case Report” reveals the pre- and post-treatment MRI findings of a 69-year old male with low back pain. Prior to treatment with the DRX9000, the patient reported experiencing low back pain radiating into both legs. When asked to describe his pain intensity on a scale of 0-10, the patient rated his pain intensity at 10. The patient underwent 22 treatments over a seven-week period. Utilizing the same pain intensity scale the patient reported a pain level of 1 post-treatment. Four months after the initial visit a follow up MRI revealed decreased herniation size and increased disc height at multiple lumbar levels. The authors conclude, “This case report further builds on previous findings that have demonstrated improvements in disc morphology after treatment with the DRX9000.”
I always find that men that have sciatica are used to carrying their wallet in thier left back pocket, this is a bad habit and one of the first things that someone should stop doing if they suffer with Sciatica. In New York city it is probally a good thing to move your wallet from your rear pocket to your front pocket anyway!