Chiropractor NYC
This past weekend I moved my office from 10 Downing street suite 1U 10014, to a Brand new state of the art facility located at 632 Broadway suite 303 10012.
After 9 years at 10 Downing st. I moved simply because I needed more space to accommodate patients and improve on services.
I now offer digital low dose x-rays
SpineForce(this is amazing to strengthen the whole spinal column)
Medical doctor on site that can provide pain management and physical therapists and of course Massage.
I added 4 more massage therapist to the practice so patients have more massage opening available 4 days a week.
This move was difficult but will be well worth it.
The phone system is still not working and should be up by Tuesday so in the mean time if you are trying to make or change an appointment call my cellphone at (917) 922-2426 one of my staff members will answer.
Yours in health
Dr. Steven Shoshany
