New York Chiropractor, Spinal Decompression
I had a couple new emails I wanted to answer.
First question was What is the Vax-D table and is it more comfortable than DRX 9000?
The Vax-D table uses technology that is about 20 years old, and it requires the patient to use arms to hold their upper body to prevent slipping. this is ok if you have the upper body strength and do not have any shoulder problems, but most patients are deconditioned and lots of people have shoulder problems.
I prefer to use the DRX 9000 spinal decompression table in my Manhattan office.
It uses the most technologically advanced closed loop system to ensure safe and effective decompression and it has a harness system that allow the patients to have their hands free and not have to hold on for dear life.
In my New York City office I prefer to use the DRX 9000 for several reasons.
Please visit my website at
I you are considering getting Vax-D treatment look into DRX 9000 treatment in my opinion you get a more comfortable expierence and better results.
NYC spinal decompression. Manhattan Spinal Decompression