New York Chiropractor, DRX 9000 Manhattan
I had an exciting day yesterday I had two patients that had "breakthroughs"
One patient that walked with a cane for the last three years due to a severly herniated disc came in without his cane! He told me he forgot that he needed a cane for the first time since his injury.
The second was a women that walks with a foot drop, after only 8 visits on the DRX 9000 she started to get some dorsiflexion back in her foot and her reflex started to improve!
I have to say that now I understand all the hype behind the DRX 9000 and the results are fantastic.
New York City Manhattan Spinal Decompression Specialist
This picture is of a guy that was hospitalized for a week for Sciaticaa and only after 5 visits he returned to his job!
DRX 9000 Spinal Decompression