New York Chiropractor, Spinal Decompression
I have been asked to compare the diffrences between the Vax-D and DRX 9000.
I use the DRX 9000 and I have worked with the Vax-D table but am partial to the DRX 9000 because I beleive it is more advanced and offers the patient more options and comfort.
The DRX 9000 allows the patient is very antalgic (severe pain and stopped) to go from standing to laying on there back automatically.
The DRX 9000 also is much more comfortable.
If you choosing between the two machines which I feel are the only true spinal decompression machines I recommend taking a "test drive" on both and choose the one that is more comfortable.
If you have a herniataed disc or sciatca I recommend first getting an MRI and then consult with a spinal decompression specialist in your area.
There are many different types of spinal decompression machines on the market today and many more to come since this market is expanding.
I prefer to stick to the leaders and prefer to use tables that have a clincial track record.
If you are in Manhattan or live near Manhattan and suffer with a herniated or bulging disc please consider a consult visit