New York Chiropractor
I have noticed that one of the reasons Chiropractic has not gotten as far as it should of have by now is that Chiropractors are their own worst enemies.
I say that because I recently had a Chiropractor here in New York attack an article that was written by someone about there success with treatment. The patient happened to be a child that was reffered in by a ENT and was having horrible ear infections. I am a Chiropractor and the only thing that I treat is Spinal misalignment. The patient had a horrible misalignment of the upper cervical spine and when adjusted the ear infections got beter, did I treat the child for ear infections? No! I only treat spinal misalignments. Why would another Chiropractor do this? I think it has allot to do with jealously and plain stupidity.
To learn more how spinal misalignments can affect your bodies abilty to heal itself visit my website at
